Organize a

Blood Donation Camp

You are one step closer to being a superhero. Organize a blood donation camp in your college, office, society and get that superman cape. We would take care of the process end-to-end

What are Blood Donation Camps

Rather than going to the hospital to donate blood, we bring the hospital to you. We partner with government recognized blood banks who bring their expert doctors and staff to conduct a clean blood donation camp without any hassles. The camp can be organized in a common area or in a blood donation bus which we can bring. We make all the other arrangements, you just have to provide a ventilated clean area.Now saving lives does not need any travel even, just 20minutes at the camp!

How we can make them different:

We do not just help you organize a camp, but we also try to ensure each donor feels special. A blood donation camp can be fun with music, it can have a theme, it can motivate people for greater things. We help you do that, right from motivating people before the camp to ensuring each donor feels a sense of pride and happiness post donation.

Some of Our Past Collaborators


Bain & Company





L & T

Everest Group



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Copyright © BloodConnect Foundation 2020